2010年4月16日 星期五

4/13 資訊組織上課心得與筆記

根據Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA: A Brief History of AACR: Early English Language Cataloguing Codes,AACR有北美版與英國版,兩個版本都有三個部分:
Part I, Entry and Heading第一篇,款目與標目
– Based on the Paris Principles, the 1949 ALA rules, and Lubetzky’s 1960 draft.
Part II, Description第二篇,著錄
– Consisted of revised rules from the 1949 Library of Congress rules.
Part III, Non-book materials第三篇,非書資料
– Contained rules for both entry and description of non-book materials.
– Consisted of revised rules from the 1949 Library of Congress rules, and supplementary Library of Congress rules.
1. Convenience of the user. Decisions taken in the making of descriptions and controlled forms of names for access should be made with the user in mind.使用者的便利性。抉擇近用所需的著錄與控制形式的名稱時,應該考慮到使用者。
2. Common usage. Vocabulary used in descriptions and access should be in accord with that of the majority of users.通用性。在著錄與檢索中使用的詞彙,應與大多數使用者的用辭一致。
3. Representation. Descriptions and controlled forms of names should be based on the way an entity describes itself.表達性。著錄與控制形式的名稱應以被著錄實體本身為基礎。
4. Accuracy. The entity described should be faithfully portrayed.準確性。應如實描述被著錄的實體。
5. Sufficiency and necessity. Only those data elements in descriptions and controlled forms of names for access that are required to fulfil user tasks and are essential to uniquely identify an entity should be included.充分性與必備性。完成使用者工作與辨識實體必須的資料細目,才能列在著錄與控制形式的名稱中。
6. Significance. Data elements should be bibliographically significant.意義性。資料細目應具有書目意義。
7. Economy. When alternative ways exist to achieve a goal, preference should be given to the way that best furthers overall economy (i.e., the least cost or the simplest approach).經濟性。有多種途徑可達成相同目標時,應選擇最經濟性的途徑(即費用最少或方法最簡單)
8. Consistency and standardization. Descriptions and construction of access points should be standardized as far as possible. This enables greater consistency, which in turn increases the ability to share bibliographic and authority data.一致性與標準化。應盡可能標準化著錄與建構檢索項的工作。才能夠取得更大的一致性,從而提高共享書目資料與權威資料的能力。
9. Integration. The descriptions for all types of materials and controlled forms of names of all types of entities should be based on a common set of rules, insofar as it is relevant.整合性。對各種類型資料的著錄與控制形式的名稱,應儘可能使用相同的規則。 編目規則的條文,應經得起考驗,不能隨興。這些目標互相衝突時,應採取經得起考驗且務實的解決方案。
- make records from different sources interchangeable, so that records produced in one country can
be easily accepted in library catalogues or other bibliographic lists in any other country;
- assist in the interpretation of records across language barriers, so that records produced for users
of one language can be interpreted by users of other languages;
- assist in the conversion of bibliographic records to electronic form;
- enhance interoperability with other content standards.
根據國際編目原則聲明2009,作品的主題包含11個實體,分別為作品Work、表現形Expression、載體呈現Manifestation、單件Item、個人Person、家庭Family、團體Corporate Body、概念Concept、物件Object、事件Event、地點Place。
1. to find bibliographic resources in a collection as the result of a search using attributes or relationships of the resources:
1.1. to find a single resource查找(find)單個資源
1.2. to find sets of resources representing查找(find)下述成套資源
all resources belonging to the same work屬於同一作品的全部資源
all resources embodying the same expression體現同一表現形的全部資源
all resources exemplifying the same manifestation代表同一載體呈現的全部資源
all resources associated with a given person, family, or corporate body屬於同一個人、家庭、或團體的全部資源
all resources on a given subject關於特定主題的全部資源
all resources defined by other criteria (language, place of publication, publication date, content type, carrier type, etc.), usually as a secondary limiting of a search
result;屬於同樣的範疇(包括: 語文、出版國、出版年、內容形式、載體形式等)的全部資源,通常做為搜尋的限制條件
2. to identify a bibliographic resource or agent (that is, to confirm that the described entity corresponds to the entity sought or to distinguish between two or more entities with similar characteristics);辨認(identify)書目資源或代理(即,確認所著錄的實體對應於所搜尋的實體,或者區分具有相似特徵的多個實體);
3. to select a bibliographic resource that is appropriate to the user’s needs (that is, to choose a resource that meets the user’s requirements with respect to medium, content, carrier, etc., or to reject a resource as being inappropriate to the user’s needs);選擇(select)適合使用者需求的書目資源(即,選取一個在媒介、內容、載體等方面能滿足使用者要求的資源,或放棄一個不適合使用者需求的資源);
4. to acquire or obtain access to an item described (that is, to provide information that will enable the user to acquire an item through purchase, loan, etc., or to access an item electronically through an online connection to a remote source); or to access, acquire, or obtain authority data or bibliographic data;取得(acquire)或得以近用(obtain access)所著錄的文獻(即,提供信息,使用者能夠通過購買、借閱等方式獲取某一文獻,或者以電子方式近用遠端的來源),或者近用、獲取或取得權威資料或書目資料;
5. to navigate within a catalogue and beyond (that is, through the logical arrangement of bibliographic and authority data and presentation of clear ways to move about, including presentation of relationships among works, expressions, manifestations, items, persons, families, corporate bodies, concepts, objects, events, and places).瀏覽(navigate)目錄和目錄以外的其它領域(即,通過書目資料和權威資料的邏輯排列和清晰的漫遊途徑的展示,包括作品、表現形、載體呈現、單件、個人、家族、團體、概念、實物、事件和地點之間關係的展示)。
1 Title and statement of responsibility area題名及著者敘述項
2 Edition area版本項
3 Material or type of resource specific area資料特殊細節項
4 Publication, production, distribution, etc., area出版項
5 Physical description area稽核項
6 Series area集叢項
7 Note area附註項
8 Resource identifier and terms of availability area標準號碼及其他必要記載項

★( = )一個細目以多種語言著錄時,第二個語言以後的資訊之前
1. Title and statement of responsibility area題名及著者敘述項
= 並列題名
: 其他題名資料
/ 第一敘述
; 後續敘述
2. Edition area版本項
. – 版本敘述
= 並列版本敘述
/ 第一敘述
; 後續敘述
3. Material or type of resource specific area資料特殊細節項
4. Publication, production, distribution, etc., area出版項
. – 出版地、經銷地
; 後續地
: 出版者、經銷者
, 出版年、經銷年
(印製地 ; 後續印製地 : 印製者, 印製年)
5. Physical description area稽核項
. – 數量單位
: 其他稽核細節
; 高廣、尺寸
+ 附件
6. Series area集叢項
. – (集叢或附屬集叢正題名 = 集叢或附屬集叢並列題名 : 集叢或附屬集叢副題名 集叢或附屬集叢著者敘述 / 第一敘述 ; 後續敘述, 集叢或附屬集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 ; 集叢或附屬集叢號)
7. Note area附註項
8. Resource identifier and terms of availability area標準號碼及其他必要記載項
. – 標準號碼
= 識別題名
: 獲得方式

